A trusted advisor of regional transportation authorities for more than 15 years
For regional transportation authorities, including county departments of transportation, associations of governments and metropolitan planning organizations, Iteris provides a uniquely comprehensive set of solutions to help you improve safety, mobility and sustainability for all road users in your jurisdictions.
From the industry's most advanced detection sensor technology and mobility intelligence software solutions to our broad set of mobility consulting services and cloud-enabled managed services, Iteris should be your first port of call for any transportation-related hardware, software and services requirements.
Iteris in Action

Los Angeles County, CA
With smart mobility planning services for the conversion of high-occupancy toll lanes on two major freeways in Los Angeles County, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) will see reduced congestion, improved mobility, and more routing flexibility and traffic efficiency for around 600,000 daily highway users across more than 25 freeway miles in LA County.
Delaware Valley, NJ
With traffic signal synchronization services from Iteris' Mobility Professional Services division, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) will see signal timing improvements for key corridors throughout the four counties of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Mercer in New Jersey, with the goal of improving safety and mobility for the region’s traveling public and freight operators.
New Jersey’s transportation system is a critical East Coast sub-corridor that serves as a key link for moving both people and freight throughout the country. According to TRIP, a national transportation research group, the state’s motorists travel 78.2 billion miles annually.

San Bernardino County, CA
The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority's (SBCTA) regional smart mobility, safety and sustainability program leverages Iteris' congestion management service for intersections and arterials to augment SBCTA’s traffic management operations on an ongoing basis, as part of a pilot project with the City of Rancho Cucamonga and the City of Ontario to showcase traffic signal synchronization technology and services throughout Haven Avenue.
This offer bundles Iteris’ expertise and resources with the signal performance measures (SPM) features of Iteris’ ClearGuide® SaaS-based mobility intelligence solution for both cities. With ClearGuide SPM™, Iteris experts can monitor the health and safety of intersections, streamline their analysis through configurable alerts, and identify and prioritize optimizations without visiting the field.
Kane County, IL
The Kane County Department of Transportation's (Kane County DOT) regional smart mobility, safety and sustainability program leverages Iteris' transportation system operations and management (TSO&M) services that include management and operational oversight at approximately 140 signalized intersections and flashing beacon locations, 1,200 street light locations, as well as the county’s growing centrally controlled advanced traffic management system (ATMS) network. In addition, Kane County DOT uses Iteris' congestion management service for intersections and arterials to augment the county’s traffic management operations on an ongoing basis.
The program supports Kane County DOT’s goals to significantly reduce countywide travel time, fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, while improving safety and mobility, and overall travel experience for all road users, including vehicles, buses, bicycles and pedestrians.